We hope everyone who came to our Autism Family Camp this year had a brilliant time; we have already had lots of very positive feedback and hope to run more similar events in the future! For those who missed out, we had lots of activities such as a bouncy castle, Nerf Gun Ranges, Nerf and […]
A Good Afternoon on LV21
T-Shirt Printing Workshop – 23 July 2022 Thank you all coming to our t-shirt printing event on the LV21 – the designs created were excellent! (Hopefully will be a little cooler for our next one)
Cakes & Bath Bombs
Before Christmas we held Bath Bomb Making and Cupcake Decorating sessions, which proved to be a huge success with all of those who attended. Artist skills were at the forefront of the cake decorating and olfactory skills for the bath bombs. Graham from Marie’s Emporium was an awesome teacher and his instructions and subject knowledge […]
A Successful Day!
A big thanks to everyone who made today’s indoor Summer Fete possible, We had an amazing day, with lots of smiles! We hope to see you all at another event soon! Also a huge thank you to Ever in Vogue Fashion Show for kindly donating to us an Autism South East Banner!
Nerf It Up!
We hope everyone enjoyed the Waterfront Weekend in Gravesend. Whilst we were there on Sunday we had our “PPHQ (Purple Portable Headquarters)” of information and leaflets about autism available as well as something more fun for the kids! Our “Nerf Gun Range” shooting gallery is always a popular hit and we’ll have it at various […]
Gravesend Gamercon 2019
Autism South East attended the first ever Gravesend Gamercon event at the Woodville Halls (civic centre) in Gravesend yesterday! We were delighted to be included and provided a chill out zone for anyone who needed some quieter space, the Dark Den and free-play Lego proved to be really popular. The day was very successful and […]