Laura Carr from HCB Solicitors is kindly delivering a free online seminar aimed at parents/carers who are:
• Considering applying for a statutory assessment;
• Going through the assessment process;
• Due for a review of their child’s EHCP;
• Have questions about securing funding for specialist schools
There will be time for a Q&A after the seminar has concluded. Please ensure you fill out the optional fields and tick the consent box if you wish to participate to ensure the best experience.
Please fill out the form at the link below and we’ll email you the login information prior to the event (at least 24hrs in advance):
Register Now
You will need to use the Zoom app or website in order to access this talk, thus agreeing with their privacy policy which can be found on their website.
How to access the talk
You do not need a Zoom login to join a meeting.
1) Download the Zoom app to your device/pc. It is available for Windows, Mac, iOS and Android. If you are unable to install the app, you can access Zoom meetings via their website, however certain features may not be available.
2) Click/tap on the join link that we have emailed you. The Zoom app should open and prompt you to join the meeting if it has started. If this doesn’t work, you can manually enter the meeting ID and password into the app/website.
3) If you haven’t used zoom before, you may be prompted to allow access to your microphone and camera – choose yes. You can mute your mic and hide your feed whilst listening if you prefer.
A more in-depth guide can be found here if you are having trouble.