Come an join us for exclusive fun packed autism friendly sessions at Future Survival! Lead your comrades to victory with Future Survival air-soft. Navigate missions, using a variety of physical and mental skills.
Airsoft is a military simulation sport where players participate in mock combat with authentic military-style weapons and tactics. Unlike paintball, airsoft uses 6mm round BBs made of hard plastic. The guns used are full scale replicas of real world weapons.
Suitable for ages 12+ only, parents of under 18s MUST sign a permission slip and remain on site throughout.
Use of airsoft guns and bbs are included. All safety equipment provided helmet, face gear, tactical vest with protective plates.
We strongly suggest long sleeved hoodies and gloves are worn (supplied by yourself).
Being hit by Air soft pellets can hurt so please be aware of this.
A £5 donation to support Autism South East would be appreciated on the night. Snacks and drinks can be purchased on site. The entrance to Future Survival is at the rear, which can be accessed by alleyway via Bath Street.
Bookings are for all six sessions. If you can’t make them all or only want some dates, please add notes when booking.
Booking via Future Survival is required for this event! Please use the button below and follow the instructions on their website to book for this event:
Please book a ticket for each playing person. Please be aware Autism South East has no control over the data submitted to external websites. If you experience any problems when booking, you will need to contact Future Survival.
Children under the age of 12 are not permitted to participate. Parents of under 18s MUST sign a permission slip and remain on site throughout.