Understanding The SEN Process (EHCPs)


Date - 26/02/2025
Time - 7:00pm-9:00pm


Saskia Barnett

In Conjunction With:
HCB Solicitors


HCB Solicitors will be delivering a free online seminar covering the EHCP process.

What will be covered in the seminar:
1. Understanding Key Legal Definitions – SEN, learning difficulty, SEP
2. Navigating the EHCP Process – Explanation of the EHC needs assessment
(EHCNA) and the steps to obtaining an EHCP
3. Detailed Overview of EHCP Content – Key elements to include in Sections B and F
4. The Appeal Process – Types of appeals and how to navigate the First-tier Tribunal
(Special Educational Needs and Disability)
5. Interactive Q&A Session – Addressing any questions

In relation to questions, HCB will also share their contact details on
the night of the seminar so that parents can contact them directly
if they have any further questions after the event.

Scroll down to register for free below. You will be emailed with the login details in due course. If you would like to support Autism South East to continue to deliver seminars, activity groups and other events, you can donate to us here.

You will need to use the Zoom app or website in order to access this talk, thus agreeing with their privacy policy which can be found on their website.

Understanding The SEN Process (EHCPs)

Bookings Form


Access to Online Seminar via Zoom

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Booking Summary

x Standard Booking
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  If you can't make it to any of our events for any reason, please cancel your booking as early as possible so we can make adjustments. We really appreciate this, especially for events with very limited places.
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