Autism Café at Greenhithe


Date - 09/10/2024
Time - 10:30am-12:30pm

St Mary’s Church Greenhithe

In Conjunction With:
St Mary's Community Cafe


Autism South East run monthly drop in sessions on the second Wednesday of each month (during KCC term time only) at Greenhithe Community Café. Whether you are on the spectrum yourself, a parent, carer, teacher or friend; come along for a chat with us! Tea, coffee and other refreshments are available at the café.

We occasionally run Autism Cafés in various locations in Kent as a place where anyone can get advice and information about autism. We generally run these in established “Community Cafés” where people can go to get advice on a wide range of topics, or just have a chat with others. Be sure to keep up to date with us, as we may be attending one near you soon!

*See Upcoming Dates


Pre-booking is not required – just turn up!

Autism Café at Greenhithe
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