ASE Summer Fete


Date - 17/08/2019
Time - 11:00am-2:00pm

Northfleet Central

In Conjunction With:
Northfleet Big Local


Supported by Northfleet Big Local, Autism South East will be hosting our Summer Fete on Saturday 17th August.  We’ll have various activities including tin can alley, Nerf gun range, Lego, rock painting, dark den and café.  Ear defenders and information will be available.

Please note this is a “stay and play” event – parents/carers are responsible for their children at all times.

Please let us know you’re coming by pre-booking your children’s places below – we kindly suggest a £2.50 donation per-child OTD.

Bookings Form

Bookings are closed for this event.

  If you can't make it to any of our events for any reason, please cancel your booking as early as possible so we can make adjustments. We really appreciate this, especially for events with very limited places.
Problems logging in? If you have booked with us before but don't know your password, or are getting an "email already in use" message when booking, please try resetting it. Please try resetting your password or contacting us for help if you are unable to do so.

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ASE Summer Fete

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